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"Saving Oregon Farmland & Wetlands"
Friends of Gap Road

Solar Panel Farm

Say NO to Muddy Creek SOLAR Park!


What is Muddy Creek Solar Park?

A South Korean solar energy company, Hanwha Q Cells, has applied for a permit to locate a 1,600 acre solar energy park on farmland specially designated for Exclusive Farm Use and protected Native Wetlands. The proposed site for the “Muddy Creek Solar Energy Park” is located along Gap Road in the Willamette Valley near Harrisburg, Oregon. 





Who is a Friend of Gap Road?

Friends of Gap Road is a group of concerned neighbors coming together to prevent the inappropriate and unlawful use of protected Oregon Farmland and Native Wetlands. Our goal is to educate and motivate citizens to join us and share their concerns through our collective voice. We believe the larger and louder the voice we have, the more influence and impact we will have on getting this energy application denied. We are asking people that share and support our position to become a “Friend of Gap Road; someone who supports defeating the Muddy Creek Energy Park application and will actively participate in the campaign by attending public meetings, volunteering, or donating money.

Why say NO?

To be clear, Friends of Gap Road is not opposed to solar energy or solar parks. We are opposed to destroying protected farmland and native wetlands to accommodate inappropriate use of protected public and private lands.  Here are some of the concerns we have:


  • Impact on wildlife

  • Removal of wetlands

  • Wildfire concerns

  • Water usage

  • Leaching toxic materials

  • De-valuation of neighboring properties

  • Serious economic impact

  • Loss of agricultural land


Click below to learn more about why we are against the Muddy Creek Solar Energy Park.



Special thanks to Sam Elliott for his support. 
Please share this video to help spread the word. You can also find it on our Instagram & Facebook page.
Viewing tips: make sure your quality is set to 1080p on the settings button. Expand video to full size.

While Oregon’s Exclusive-use Farmland and Native Wetlands are protected, Oregon’s current legislation allows energy companies to apply for a use-permit for exception from these protections for proposed energy sites of more than 160 acres. The application is not submitted at the local county level. Instead, the permit is approved or denied by the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council; an unelected 7-person panel of Governor appointees. Getting this council to “Say No to Muddy Creek Solar Park” is our ultimate goal.


Oregon EFU Farmland
The purpose of the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone is to provide areas for continued practice of commercial agriculture. It is intended to be
applied in those areas composed of tracts that are predominantly high-value farm soils as defined in OAR 660-033-0020(8). The EFU zone is also intended to protect forests, scenic resources and fish and wildlife habitat, and to maintain and improve the quality of air, water and land resources of the county.


Oregon Native Wetlands
Wetlands in Oregon are protected by many federal and state laws, regulations and policies that prevent further degradation and destruction. A wetland is an area that is covered by shallow water or has waterlogged soils for long periods during the growing season in most years. Wetlands are highly productive and biologically diverse systems that enhance water quality, control erosion, maintain stream flows, sequester carbon, and provide a home to at least one third of all threatened and endangered species.

Who is DECIDING the fate of our protected Farmland & Wetlands?

How we plan to use your donation to PRESERVE these special lands.

Our goal is to get the permit application for the Muddy Creek Solar Energy Park denied. In doing so, we will save protected land now and help set an important precedent for future applications. This precedent will also serve as the foundation of our initiative to get this law changed. To do this, we will:


  • Create and maintain a Website and Social Media page.

  • Implement an online and in-person signature gathering petition initiative.

  • Implement a comprehensive letter writing campaign.

  • Leverage and invest in local and regional media assets including Social Media, Radio, TV and Newspaper.

  • Create and strategically place billboards, yard signs and posters.

  • Motivate citizens to participate in the “Say No to Muddy Creek Solar” campaign in a tangible way.



The size, volume and impact of our collective voice will be determined by the amount of volunteer support and funding we receive from donors like you. Become a “Friend of Gap Road” today by donating to this important cause and effort. We sincerely appreciate your support! 



*** Friends of Gap Road is an all-volunteer group so there are no administrative fees. 100% of your donation will be used for the cause.


- Friends of Gap Road -


Here are some ways YOU can help:


  • Spread the word by sharing our website

  • Engage with our Facebook posts to help us get a further reach by commenting on, liking and sharing posts.

  • Donate to our Go Fund Me page

  • Attend public meetings

  • Help collect signatures 

  • Put up signs and posters

  • Write letters to local government

Become a Friend of Gap Road. Register here for campaign updates, upcoming meetings and volunteer opportunities.

Thank you for being involved!


The size, volume and impact of our collective voice will be determined by the amount of volunteer support and funding we receive from donors like you. We need to spread the word through outlets like RADIO, TV, NEWSPAPERS, BILLBOARDS, YARD SIGNS & POSTERS. Your donated funds will help us achieve this. Thank you so much for your support!


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